

New York and Skype Acting Coach  - for Theater, Film and TV.  


John is an acting coach for  experienced actors and beginners. Graduates of some drama schools and members of Unions get a first session free.

Sessions lasts just over one hour, to avoid
having to stop suddenly after 59 minutes !
And cost $55, from June 2024.

His coaching is described as “Second to none in the world” by London’s National Theater Education Department .

He coaches Shakespeare, modern American and British plays, films, TV,  and for some Drama School auditions. He has successfully helped students into Juilliard, RADA, LAMDA and Yale.


One of 35  free videos on this site,
(meaning there is no advertising is on them)



New, and very experienced actors
sometimes forget this !

                               MOST POPULAR QUESTIONS SENT TO THE WEBSITE

Why do you give a free  session to RADA and Juilliard graduates?

Yes, it may sound stupid, because all drama schools can be wonderful if actors work hard at them, but just being able to mention of those two makes it easier for actors to get auditions. This site lists me as a New York acting coach but I still have links with mine which was RADA in London, so I like to help them! 

Which drama schools do you think are best?

Teachers move round every year, so the shools change as well. And I believe he ‘best’ is any who concentrate on the kind of work you want to do: film or stage, Shakespeare or modern, musical or a particular ‘method’, So all beginners need to start studying the schools! ( And probably apply to more than one, and then ask for scholarships, and then the decision could be made for you.)

What’s the most important thing for an actor to learn?

First: find out what is behind any lines you say; and Second: , make sure you PERSONALLY understand your lines in some way.

What’s the difference between your coaching in New York or on Skype?  

I’m mainly an Acting coach in New York  so you are welcome to come to my place in Manhattan, which has the advantage that – if you want – we can video some of your work for you to watch. But Skype has the advantage of not having to spend time travelling here, so it’s easier to fit in more sessions, and exactly the same work is done in both places.

If I am coaching an acting class in a school in another USA State, in person, it has the advantage that ‘students’ can see each other work, which is often as useful!


Who are your favorite actors?

I have new ones every year, but I have always liked Woody Harrelson, Molly Parker, Bradley Whitford,  Carey Mulligan, Kerry Condon, Gene Hackman, and a few of the actors I coach!  But my favorite answer, – and only because I think it sounds clever, – is to say “Me!”  –   and you are welcome to say that yourself, but it’s a joke, it’s not arrogance.

I don’t mean to sound rude, but if you’re so clever and know so much why aren’t you a big star? 

Because I learned late in life how to ‘get it right, and there are few  interesting parts for old actors!  But I have done all the parts that I’ve ever wanted to play, – details on the ‘ABOUT JOHN’ page – and as long as I’ve kept in some kind of work, I’ve found that quite enough.

How to I get a good agent? 

A good one?  Look at the agent’s website and see if you are impressed by the  actors they already represent.  

How do you always guess what is behind the lines?

I don’t always know, but it comes from lots of experience, which is what I am trying to make you get. Also, –  remember that ALL parts are about ‘you’.

Do you coach for voice-over work?

Yes. There are a few doctors who know stuff that I don’t about ‘the voice’, but  the video on this site, – # 6, in Free Videos,  – called ‘VOICE COACH’, may interest even experienced actors, and help your voice be more smooth.    But all that matters – in ALL acting work – is to know what is ‘behind’ any lines that we have to say.

Do you acting classes at any schools?  

Yes. Last month on Skype screen to about a hundred students in an Australian school, but I’ve no wish to run  regular. group acting- classes in NY on my own, sorry.